We will never use stock photography to represent ourselves.
We are proud to say that all photography on our website is taken on location from actual job sites, at the homes and businesses of our valued, satisfied customers.
Square feet of stone restored last year
Projects completed last year
Years of combined experience
If we haven't restored your stone already,
we have restored one just like it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Flamed Granite
Flamed granite is a particular type of granite finish that requires different care than polished granite. The finishes are very porous and need to be properly cleaned and sealed. The technique of flaming or texturing the surface involves machining where high t...
Cleaning and Caring for Granite
Granite, the igneous rock formed from magnum, is very dense, hard and brittle. Granite certainly stands up very well against heavy foot traffic, making it preferable for commercial lobbies and walkways. Granite is at the top of hardness amongst all natural sto...
Why Slate Loses its Color
As we say good bye to Winter and welcome in Spring and warm weather we notice that slate and other natural stone surfaces have dulled and lost their natural shine and luster. Even with the best of care, slate surfaces tend to dull over time. Deicing age...
The Effects of Deicing Agents on Stone and Terrazzo Flooring
As we welcome in Spring and begin to remove protective mats and rugs from floors and entranceways, the crystallization of many deicing salts and spreading of sand may have caused deterioration of the stone, terrazzo and masonry surfaces. This effect is called...
Marble Restoration
We just completed a marble restoration project in downtown Toronto in a large premier office building. We were faced with a few challenges that included the removal of wear patterns due to high traffic lanes having their finish dulled and had to remove acid et...
Kitchen Island Restoration
We recently restored a polished marble kitchen island counter top for a residence. Prior to the restoration, the top had several stain & etch marks and was void of its shine and luster. Upon completion, the stone was sealed with a high quality impregnator...