We will never use stock photography to represent ourselves.
We are proud to say that all photography on our website is taken on location from actual job sites, at the homes and businesses of our valued, satisfied customers.
Square feet of stone restored last year
Projects completed last year
Years of combined experience
If we haven't restored your stone already,
we have restored one just like it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Elevator restoration
We recently completed a granite and marble elevator cab restoration. We restored the finish to a high polished one with excellent light clarity and reflection. We routinely perform such work in most major cities across Canada. ...
Lobby Restoration
We recently completed a polished marble restoration project in downtown Toronto. Our restoration services worn, dirty, and discolored and dull floors back to resemble their original factory finish. Moving forward, our maintenance program and procedures keep th...
Historic Stone Restoration
Marble Renewal Canada is recognized and qualified by the Canadian Construction Document Committee to work on all Canadian Heritage buildings. The restoration, repair and/or maintenance of historic interior stone surfaces is not tha...
The Do It Yourself Approach To Resolving And Caring For Natural Stone
What is the Best Way to Clean a Stone Countertop? Natural stone surfaces, including countertops, require cleaners that are specially formulated products. Popular household cleaning agents contain acids and alkalines that will damage and etch the surface...
Freeze/Thaw Cycling in Natural Stone
As Spring has arrived and protective matting gets removed from the many entranceways of buildings, we can’t help but notice the effects that Winter has left behind. On the exterior of the buildings, you’ll notice damage caused by freezing. Interior...
Slip and Fall Safety
We recently had an opportunity to present Slip and Fall Safety & Prevention to the Frank Cowan Company, a leader in Municipal & speciality insurance, with experience to provide insurance solutions with the flexibility to react to new and emerging risks...