Slip Safety

Slip and Fall Safety

We recently had an opportunity to present Slip and Fall Safety & Prevention to the Frank Cowan Company, a leader in Municipal & speciality insurance, with experience to provide insurance solutions with the flexibility to react to new and emerging risks along with risk management and claims services. Prevention is important to an organization and […]

The New ANSI/NFSI B101.6 Entranceway Floor Mat Standard

Each year thousands of people are injured as a result of a slip and fall. When entering a building typically the first line of defense for most building owners is to employ the use of entrance carpet matting. Although entranceway matting can play a significant role in preventing accidental slips by removing moisture from pedestrian […]

Slip Safety Presentation to SPIAO

We recently presented to SPIAO (Society of Public Insurance Administrators of Ontario) an overview of Traction Auditing and Slip Safety & Prevention. The group was very well attended with over 45 members and non-members in attendance.   The discussion included an overview of the 9 ANSI/NFSI B101 Standards (American National Standards Institute & National Floor […]

The New ANSI/NFSI B101.6 Entranceway Floor Mat standard

What you need to know regarding the proper use, selection and maintenance of your entrance mats By Russell Kendzior Each year thousands of people are injured as a result is a slip and fall when entering a building entrance to which as the first line of defense for most building owners employ is the use […]

Falls Aren’t Funny

Slip–and–fall accidents are a growing problem. The total cost of these accidents now approaches $80 billion each year across North America, and that number is expected to double within the next decade. In an effort to curb slip and fall injuries and increase the safety of your residents and the public, the American National Standards […]

Getting A Grip On Safety

New Standards Target Slip-and-Fall Hazards by Larry Brenner [fancy_images width=”440″ height=”350″] [image caption=”As published originally in Canadian Property Management Magazine” title=”” alt=””][/image] [/fancy_images] [fancy_box]View article as PDF.[/fancy_box] The CosT of slIp-and-fall accidents has been pegged at nearly $80 billion each year in North America – a tally that is expected to grow as the population […]